
What is TBNF?

The Basic Needs Foundation was set-up with the single-point agenda of forming a bridge between corporates and non-profit organizations. We help the less privileged by supporting non-profit organizations in their mission to get access to excess food, clothing, information or any other means crucial to meeting their end.


Vision and Mission

Vision - To create a world in which every living-being has adequate means for survival.

Mission - To become a one-stop solution for non-profit organisations looking for financial, voluntary or any other support and for corporates and individual looking to contribute to the society in multiple capacities, including but also beyond donations.


We care for

Human Life, Animal Life and Plant Life.

The Basic Needs Foundation is bulit on core values that strive to protect and nourish life on our planet. We are concerned with everything that prohibits the well-being of life and that of our planet itself.

Since 1993


Today, countries are separated into multiple countries, our world into multiple worlds, our universe into a "multi-verse".

While new precedents of growth have set in some parts of the worlds and certain industries, others are getting pushed into darker realms of poverty and deprivation. On one hand, there is an exponential increase in the number of luxury consumers, inflation and higher costs of living are making people deprived of fundamental necessities like healthy food, clean water, basic education etc.

In a world which is becoming more and more unbalanced every day, the scale is also tilted towards unhealthy levels of greed, putting the survival of our planet itself at high risk.

As such, it has become more and more critical for us to undertake our responsibility in supporting the less fortunate, especially in making them meet their fundamental necessities like food, shelter, education and healthcare.


Register today

If you are an NGO, a corporate organisation or simply a volunteer or a concerned citizen looking to work with like-minded individuals towards the common goal of helping others meet the minimum standards of living or are looking for support or funding, click on the link to register immediately with us.